The Cabinet meeting commenced with a prayer by a religious minister. The priest prayed for God’s guidance of the Cabinet members.
1. The Cabinet sought answers from the Commissioner of Police regarding any further updates on the Chantel Crump murder case. The investigations are continuing. Meanwhile, the Government has accepted that an emergency message-sending system that will allow all cellular phone-users to receive an alert, whenever report of a missing child is filed with the police. The messaging system will be named the “Chantel Alert”. The Cabinet expressed its continued sorrow to the family, friends and fellow students, and has agreed to cover the funeral expenses.
2. The Cabinet held a discussion on the outrageous and invasive request filed in Federal Court in the USA, requesting information on the Bank Account of several persons, banks and entities in Antigua and in the United States, regarding the Alfa Nero Sale. The law firm that has agreed to appear on behalf of the defendants in the case, describes the request as “a misuse of the Courts in the United States,” and the system of Justice. The cost of defending this frivolous request for all kinds of records—despite the fictitious and unjustifiable claim of the whereabouts of Ten Million United States Dollars—is substantial. The defense will be required to spend tens of thousands of dollars. The Attorney General explained that if the lawsuit is not defended, a default judgement will be entered against the defendants and the cost would then be even greater. The lawsuit has been described as a fishing expedition and the court in the United States is likely to quash the subpoena that has been filed by the Russian Citizen who claims ownership of the vessel.
3. The threat by the Trump Administration to declare the Cuban Medical Brigade as equivalent to “Human Trafficking” is not supported by the payment method and the contractual arrangement into which the Governments of Cuba and Antigua and Barbuda have entered. Nevertheless, the Cabinet has made a decision to pay the Cuban Medical Brigade of Doctors and Nurses 100% of the contractual amount and to have each doctor or nurse receive the entire payment rather than a portion; statutory deductions will also be made from each pay package, as is done for every worker in Antigua and Barbuda. This approach has been communicated to the US Government Officials and the Government of Antigua and Barbuda awaits the US Government’s response.
4. Cabinet agreed to review its rental of private properties policy following an examination of the amount owed to a single landlord. The Government will accelerate the construction of the Government Headquarters building to be built at the southwest corner of Factory and American Road. Cabinet further agreed that it will aim to construct a sufficient number of buildings, over a period of time, to satisfy its own needs.
5. The Cabinet invited the Director of Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre (SLBMC) (Ag.), Dr. Shivon Belle Jarvis, to give a report on her findings since assuming the post. The Director, who was Head of the SLBMC Pediatrics Unit, noted that the neonatal mortality-rate for Antigua and Barbuda is relatively lower than several other islands in the Caribbean. The Antigua and Barbuda rate is 5.4 deaths per one thousand live births. Antigua and Barbuda has surpassed its 2030 SDG goal of no more than 12 per one thousand. The Director spoke of the need for increased staffing and replacement equipment at the SLBMC. The Cabinet agreed to provide 800,000.00 USD for the most acute equipment needs. In order to provide more nurses, the SLBMC will provide incentives for young men and women to pursue careers in nursing. Those who are enrolled in UWI Five Islands Nursing Programme will be offered scholarships of a greater amount than that of other disciplines which are already saturated. The SLBMC will also encourage students who are in Fifth Form and are planning to select a career, to be encouraged by monetary incentives to choose nursing. The proposal is to have a short, medium and long-term plan since it takes four years to grow new nurses. The director provided a capital-assets-needs list; a second CT Scan Machine is among the equipment that will be immediately purchased. The Doctor was applauded for her integrity, high level of efficiency, and for bringing very useful changes to the SLBMC.
6. The Cabinet invited the Director of Signature Flight Support Services who provides a Fixed Base Operation (an FBO) to make a report on the replacement building that it wishes to construct on vacant land near Runaway 10. The land is the Crown’s and the FBO is seeking to purchase it and to have concessions granted. The Cabinet considered a long-term lease and concessions that would be in keeping with constructing a new enterprise. Each month, the FBO makes a considerable payment to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) in order to satisfy corporate tax liability which is assessed annually. The IRD regards Signature as a good corporate citizen.
7. i. The Minister of Heath informed that four new pieces of legislation will have their first reading at the next sitting of Parliament. They are: the Mental Health Bill; the Abandonment of the Elderly Bill; the Licensing of Nursing Home Bill; and, the Sugary Drinks Bill. They are all aimed at improving healthcare in the nation.
ii. The Medical Benefit Scheme has agreed to set aside 1 Million United States Dollars to purchase vaccines in the event of a serious outbreak or a pandemic. Both the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have suffered a decrease in contributions since the United States has signaled its intent to withdraw from these regional and international organizations and to end the funding that it once provided. Antigua and Barbuda needs to be in a state of readiness.
8. On Saturday 22nd March, World Water Day will be celebrated globally. The New Reverse Osmosis Plant at Ffryes Beach will be commissioned on that day, and a ceremony is planned beginning at 2:00 pm at the Fryes Reverse Osmosis (RO) Facility.
9. The Annual Sports Awards will be held on Saturday, 22nd March, starting at 6:00 PM at the Royalton Resort. This event is by invitation only and was rescheduled following the tragic passing of Chantal Crump.
10. The Cabinet invited Michael Freeland and Joel Rayne to provide each with alternatives to their present employment in Government. Mr. Michael Freeland will be appointed to the Senate on Friday 21st March; and, Mr. Rayne will likely be appointed as Deputy Commissioner of Sports within a short time. Both expressed delight at their appointments and their thankfulness for the opportunity provided.