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CABINET NOTES: January 8, 2025

The Cabinet began its meeting with a prayer delivered by the Major of the Salvation Army. He prayed for God’s richest blessings on those who govern and on the nation of Antigua and Barbuda.

1. The Prime Minister, as Chairman of the Cabinet, wished each member of the Cabinet a healthy and successful 2025. He reflected on the successes of 2024 but made it clear that 2025 must be even better than the year before. More resources are being expended on fixing roads, gutters and drains throughout the nation. Water, he concluded, continues to be a challenge despite the expenditure of millions of dollars on new reverse osmosis plants. Turbid waters have slowed the intake of the plants, and therefore affected the output; nevertheless, the Chairman asserted, that more plants will be added to bring production up from 8 million gallons daily to 12 million.

2.i. The Cabinet invited the principal representative of the Jehovah Witness organization which transferred the 6-acre property in Sea View Farm to the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, upon the payment of the purchase price. What took place in the Cabinet was a handover of the dozens of keys to open all the locks in the building. It was agreed that daily security, a maintenance worker, a grounds-man, and cleaners will have to be employed now that the building is the property of the Government. A team has been established to provide a name for the intended “wellness” center. There was no unanimity on the proposed name, and the proposed names will be vetted by Cabinet and announced shortly. The idea is to repair the Clarevue Hospital, and to treat those patients who have severe conditions at the St. Johnston’s Village facility. Those patients who require only short periods of care, before returning to normalcy, are to be treated at the Sea View Farm facility. Consultations are to begin tomorrow.

2.ii. The Prime Minister reminded the Cabinet that there is currently a United Nations Resolution approved by the General Assembly to host a high level Meeting on mental health in 2025. It was supported by the World Health Organization and adopted by the U.N. members. The Resolution was put forward by the Antigua and Barbuda delegation, and drew wide support from around the world. Too many people who suffer mental illness are completely cut off by family andcommunity, especially when hospitalized, requiring the State to provide permanent housing at their mental health hospitals.

2.iii. The Minister of Health was asked about rumors of a new virus that Social Media reports have indicated is spreading to countries. The Minister indicated that the WHO has tried to counter the unfounded rumors. No such virus has impacted any country and no country has closed its borders or taken any defensive action out of the ordinary. The Ministry of Health continues to encourage all citizens and residents to exercise caution but are assured that there is no threat of any pandemic.

3. The Cabinet invited the Financial Services Regulatory Commission (FSRC) to its first meeting of the New Year, in order to discuss the health of the offshore financial sector. The discussion was also focused upon several offshore banks that are seemingly encountering difficulties; this sector has been beset with challenges that have greatly affected its profitability. Under the law, the Cabinet may not instruct the FSRC but must leave its decision-making to its Board and senior staff. The Cabinet agreed that every effort is to be made to ensure the viability of the banks that may find themselves in difficulty. The FSRC staff are persuaded that they are doing all that is necessary to protect depositors and the integrity of the offshore financial system. More frequent reports are to be made to Cabinet.

4. The Cabinet received a report from the Minister responsible for the Creative Industries that plans are well underway to host the One Nation Concert on Saturday and Sunday, January 11th and 12th 2025, at the Antigua Recreation Grounds. The secular music session will be held on Saturday night. The Gospel session will be held on Sunday night. Both sessions begin at 8:00 pm, and an entry fee of $100 for general admission is being charged. Some of the best Reggae and Soca artistes in the world are expected to entertain a very large audience on the first night. A mixture of local, regional and international artistes are on the line-up for Saturday night.

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