Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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Antigua and Barbuda Implements Demerit Points System for Traffic Offenses in 2024

Antigua and Barbuda Implements New Demerit Points System for Traffic Violations in 2024

The government of Antigua and Barbuda has rolled out a new demerit points system under the 2024 Vehicles and Road Traffic (Demerit Points) Regulations, aiming to enhance road safety by enforcing stricter compliance with traffic laws.

How the System Works:

  • Accumulation of Points: Drivers will accrue demerit points for various traffic violations.
    • Suspension for 14 Points: A driver reaching 14 points within a year will face a 6-month license suspension.
    • Suspension for 18 Points: If a driver accumulates 18 points within two years, they will be suspended from driving for one year.

Offense Categories and Points:

  • Two (2) Demerit Points Each:
    • Transporting hazardous materials during restricted times.
    • Not wearing a seatbelt in the front seats.
    • Driving with improper vehicle lights or registration.
    • Operating non-compliant public service vehicles.
    • Using a handheld mobile device while driving.
  • One (1) Demerit Point Each:
    • Parking too close to intersections or private roads.
    • Failing to secure a parked vehicle properly.
    • Parking incorrectly at night.
    • Driving without the required transport board sign.
  • Five (5) Demerit Points Each:
    • Not yielding when being overtaken.
    • Overtaking unsafely.

Objective of the System:

This initiative is designed to curb hazardous driving habits and foster a culture of responsible driving. The Traffic Commissioner will oversee the enforcement, ensuring that repeat offenders are penalized to safeguard public welfare.

Government’s Commitment:

The introduction of this system underscores Antigua and Barbuda’s commitment to reducing road accidents through stringent traffic regulations.

It’s a proactive measure to ensure that drivers are accountable for their actions on the road, ultimately aiming to decrease traffic-related incidents and enhance safety for all road users.

Call to Action for Drivers:

Drivers are urged to understand these new regulations thoroughly and adhere to them to prevent accruing points that could lead to license suspension or other legal repercussions.

This system marks a significant step towards safer roads in Antigua and Barbuda.

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